Riley Holland Releases the Entire Blueprint for His transformative System of Breath, Bodywork,  and mindfulness As A Single Masterclass That Delivers You The…


Riley Holland

teaches you the most powerful method of mind-body transformation in the world

"I won't lie to you and tell you it's easy, super-simple, or an 'overnight transformation.' I won't pretend you don't have to put in effort to make it work. And I definitely won't say it's cheap..."

"But I will say, without qualification, that this full-blown system of mind-body transformation is the most powerful approach I have ever encounteredAnd the athletes, yoga teachers, bodyworkers, meditators, and others I've taught it to say the same thing.

Dear friend,

If you want to immerse yourself in a comprehensive system of self-discovery and personal growth for months and years to come, then my new training system will show you how.

Here's the deal:

I used to only teach a huge portion of my methods in one-on-one in private coaching sessions.

But now that I've retired from private coaching, I'm releasing the whole system in one place.

The program is called...

"The Pillars of Mental Toughness"

It teaches you the full system of transformative breath, bodywork, and mindfulness.

It picks up where the Tension Blaster Workouts leave off, and gives you the remaining 90% of the more advanced work. (You do not need experience with the Tension Blaster Workouts—no experience is required for Pillars of Mental Toughness.)

It's divided into six separate trainings. Each one teaches you a segment of the full bodywork, focusing on a particular section of your body. And each one is themed after one "Pillar of Mental Toughness": Discipline, Focus, Confidence, Motivation, Resilience, and Integrity

I used to teach those six sections as part of a six-month coaching course. But now it's available to you, all at once, as a self-guided program. 

But before I tell you any more about it, I want to make a few things clear:

1. This thing is a beast. Clocking in at more than 18 hours of video and audio, and 138 pages of text, this is more like a graduate-level seminar than a weekend workshop. You're not going to burn through it in a weekend and be a superhero by Monday. You'll have to study the exercises, work on them repeatedly to learn them, and be willing to do some real, honest-to-God physical work. If you are ready to commit, then you'll be able to get results right away, and continue to deepen them for a lifetime. But it doesn't work unless you work, and it will take some effort. 

2. “Self-Improvement Lite" types will hate this training. Like I said, this is real, practical work, and transforms you from the ground up into a whole different type of personIt isn't “fake it till you make it” or positive thinking or "softcore" mind and body methods that only make you a little calmer for as long as you're doing them. It isn't an invocation of the New Age fairy to come sprinkle magic dust on your third eye at night to wake up in your perfectly manifested universe. So if you're a casual fan of self-improvement "lite" looking for quick fixes, superficial "life hacks," or overnight miracles to satisfy your magical thinking, then this program is not for you. 

3. It ain't cheap and there are no refunds. If you're going to embark on this type of training, then you need to be fully committed, and that should begin at the moment you sign up. Back when I taught college courses, there were no money-back guarantees, either, and they were much more expensive, and everyone simply understood, if you committed to it, you were expected to follow through. (I can tell you from my experience, there's much more value in this training than in most college classes—or degrees, even.) So if you think you might not apply yourself to this program, don’t even think about buying it.

If any of that rubs you the wrong way, then I suggest saving your money.

Otherwise, here's a glimpse of what's waiting for you inside:

Pillar 1: Discipline

Pillar 1 introduces the foundations and breathing for full NRW workouts, and builds the Pillar of Discipline.

It'll show you:

A mind-blowing, super-potent method of breathing that makes your breath as deep, relaxed, and natural as a newborn baby. (You won't find this breathing technique in any mainstream practice like yoga or tai chi, and there's a big reason for that: it's not just based on controlling the breath, but actually liberating it from the deep tensions that keep it constricted. This breathing technique forms the foundation for all other NRW exercises, and multiplies their power exponentially.)
The real reason most people fail to be disciplined and end up giving up before they start to reach the goals they truly desire. (If you make this mistake, then there's almost zero chance you'll ever be able to follow through on pursuing your authentic purpose in life. In fact, you'll never really build up the momentum to start in the first place, and end up drifting into the suffocating embrace of the status quo that's making you miserable.) 
A secret way of using sound in your breathing that can make every breath almost orgasmically intoxicating. (Your breathing is supposed to feel good, and with this special sound, you'll learn to make your whole body vibrate subtly with every breath, instead of keeping it numb and tense, like most people's. Learning this is like being reborn into a whole new reality of sensation, joy, and pleasure.)
The danger of listening to your "inner drill Sergeant," and why your self-discipline needs to be gentle. (This is a huge secret that few people ever seem to get. When you try to force yourself to be disciplined in a harsh, self-punishing way, you may make progress for a little while, but before long, you'll burn out, quit, and end up resenting yourself and your efforts. To achieve true self-discipline, you need to be warm and gentle with yourself instead of splitting yourself in two. That kind of self-discipline is not only way more pleasant, it's also way more effective.)
An almost magical type of "meditation" that uses simple observations of your sensations to "hack" into your own brain and deepen your awareness in ways you may have never realized are possible. (There's way more going on around you and in your body than you usually consciously perceive. This simple and easy meditation technique has shockingly powerful effects, and will open the secrets of the energies of your body and mind, as well as the reality around you, and reveal what's really going on "behind the curtain.")
Why discipline should be pleasurable, fun, and easy instead of a dismal chore, and why "no pain, no gain" is a dangerous mantra. (One of the biggest and most destructive myths to ever exist is that self-discipline is a grim sacrifice of pleasure. When you follow the kind of self-punishing self-discipline that most people are taught to tolerate a life of drudgery, that may be true. But when you open up to the organic energies of your body and discover your own unique, authentic path, then self-discipline becomes as easy as eating a big, fat, juicy bratwurst. You get way more done with way less effort than ever before, instead of spending a huge amount of energy just to feel like you're getting something done, while running in place on a hamster wheel.)
The exact muscles you should be using when breathing, and what not to use unless you want your body thinking you're in danger. (Once you understand how the breathing muscles really work, you'll be astonished at how tense, shallow, and unhealthy your breathing has been for most of your life. In fact, when I've taught it to yoga teachers specifically, its power always blew their minds, and even after years of teaching and training yoga, they've said, "Oh my God, I don't know how to breathe!" You'll also learn specific ways to exaggerate incorrect breathing in order to "unglue" the tension holding all those breathing muscles together.)

Pillar 2: Focus

Pillar 2 teaches you exercises to release tension in the eyes and face, and builds the Pillar of Focus.

It'll show you:

Why tension in your face has a much more intense and devastating impact than tension anywhere else in the body, and how to release it for good. (Once you realize how this works, you'll be astonished at how few mind-body systems work on the face at all. You'll also learn the exercises necessary to get rid of layers and layers of tension in your face, and experience an incredible sense of freedom and release, not just in your face, but in your entire body and brain, since they all take their cues from the tension you hold in your face.)
How to get the laser-like focus of a warrior without straining, or having to force yourself in any way. (There's a reason the highest level fighters, athletes, and performers are not just focused, but relaxed as well. Real focus can only happen in a state of relaxation where you allow your body and mind to flow and do what they need to do. You accomplish this by permanently eliminating distraction from your mind, not by forcing yourself to ignore it—which just causes more tension, more distraction, and ultimately, a total failure in your ability to focus at all.)
Bizarre (yet ingenious) ways of coordinating eye movement with your breathing to "reprogram" your fight-or-flight system into a baseline state of deep relaxation instead of constant, buzzing anxiety. (There is a "secret" connection between your eyes and your brainstem, the most ancient, primal part of your brain that regulates your fear response. Because of that, your eyes are usually held almost paralyzed in a tense state of anxious anticipation. But once you learn how to reverse that process, you can use specific eye movements to break up that tension and "reverse-engineer" a state of total calm and inner peace in the deepest layer of your brain.)
Why meditating in a serene, quiet place can actually be dangerous. (It's good to learn how to focus when everything is quiet and calm. But the real "superpower" of focus comes when you can remain calm and quiet in your own mind, even when things around you seem to be going crazy. That requires a whole different kind of mental training, and a different way of thinking about how to focus. Otherwise, you end up "owned" by the circumstances around you.)
What your "furrowed brow" tells you (and the people around you) about how distracted you are. (Especially with your face, your body tensions send constant signals to the people around you, telegraphing your internal state. They may not realize it consciously, but they can sense whether you're present or distracted just by looking at your face. That's because your face is a social mask, designed by evolution to communicate countless non-verbal signals, whether you want it to or not. And once you learn to read the faces of others, it can be almost like telepathy.)
Why you must never give an inch to distraction. (And how to build an impregnable wall of focus to avoid getting overwhelmed by distraction, without struggling with concentration at all.)
An almost spooky-effective way of safely releasing tension in your jaw. (The jaw is a huge locus of tension for most people, and yet few ever seek out ways to release it. With these exercises, you'll begin to dissolve that tension without the risks involved in other methods of dealing with it.)
The hidden dangers of multitasking, and why you must never "whistle while you're pissing." (Multitasking gets a lot of love in our over-worked, overly-distracted culture, but it's a trap. It's actually impossible for your attention to focus on more than one thing at a time, so you're really just flitting back and forth rapidly between one object to another. Not good for sustainable focus.)

Pillar 3: Confidence

Pillar 3 teaches you exercises to release tension in the neck, throat, and shoulders, and builds the Pillar of Confidence.

It'll show you:

The surprising way that tension in your neck, throat, and shoulders destroys your confidence. (Usually people think of lack of confidence as purely mental. But that state of insecurity is held in the body, mostly in the posture of your tense shoulder area. When you start to release that tension, and your body changes shape, you'll be amazed by how your mind and emotions change automatically as a result, and you become more and more confident without ever having to make any mental effort.)
The sneaky way that positive thinking can be a dangerous trap that pulls you down like quicksand. (Who doesn't love positive thinking? And yet, simply thinking positively does not change your mental and emotional programming in a deep and lasting way. However, it often gives the impression that it does, and hypnotizes you into thinking you've made a big change, lulling you into complacency. And then, as soon as something triggers your stress response, all that positivity gets replaced by panic, and you realize you haven't made any meaningful change at all.)
The simple secret of "primal posture" and how it opens up a whole new universe of natural relaxed dominance. (Your body and mind are actually designed to be confident and dominant—it's just the accumulated tension of a lifetime that warp and distort your natural, primal posture into a knotted-up ball of stress. But once you start really untying those knots with these techniques, your true "primal posture" pulls your body into its original design, almost like a magnet, and you get to feel what it's like to be in an organic, effortless, and relaxed state of primal confidence.)
The weird reason why there's really no such thing as confidence, at least not in the conventional sense. (The way people tend to think about confidence is all wrong, and as long as you think of it that way, it will always remain out of reach. Or worse, you'll succeed in achieving a fake, play-acting sort of confidence that may fool others and yourself for a little while, but that really only covers over layers of insecurity and anxiety that will remain forever—until you dig deep and start to release them.)
How to deal with the huge backlog of tension from your past and release it powerfully and safely. (When these methods start to "kick in," a lot of old mental and emotional energy gets released. Remember, your mind, emotions, and body are all one thing, so when one starts to release, so do the rest. This is an enormously powerful liberation and purification of your mind, but it has to be done carefully and in specific ways so it doesn't overwhelm you.)
The secret of the "Lion's Mind," and how to train your mental state to be like that of a lion resting on a warm rock, fully satiated, and with no predators to ever have to look out for. (When you get into the mindset of already having everything you need, then confidence comes naturally. But if you feel like you need to earn confidence, then your neediness repels the people and situations that you think you need in order to be confident. Accessing the "Lion's Mind" gives you that natural confidence that isn't dependent on anything around you, but comes naturally, entirely from within.)
How layers and layers of tension keep you from being in a permanent state of "The Zone" (And a whole slew of powerful exercises to detonate and remove that tension on the deepest layer possible, putting you in a constant state of "Flow," without ever having to try to get there.)

Pillar 4: Motivation

Pillar 4 teaches you exercises to release tension in your core and arms, and builds the Pillar of Motivation.

It'll show you:

More powerful exercises to release the tension in the muscles of your core to expand your breathing to even deeper levels. (Even once you've opened up your breathing, there's always further to go. Your abdominal muscles, especially, hold a lot of tension, since people often keep their bellies tense out of a desire to look more slim. But the fact is, you can deepen your breathing and relax your belly dramatically without changing the shape of your body. The association is almost entirely in your head.)
The surprisingly literal truth of what it means to "listen to your gut," and how to get in deeper touch with its almost magical powers of intuition. (Popular phrases arise for a reason, and "listening to your gut" is a perfect example. Your intestines work almost like a "second brain," and a huge amount of your mood and motivation arise there, as well as intuitive "gut instinct" information that helps guide you through all sorts of situations where thinking only keeps you going in circles. That is, as long as it's not cut off with deep tension.)
How to improve your digestion and energy levels without any shady supplements or changes to your diet. (Most people feel like they need more energy, or that their digestion needs to be improved, and that's correct. But they make a mistake by focusing on external factors, and start taking all sorts of crazy energy supplements or making drastic changes to their diet. The fact is, you can make huge improvements to your digestion and energy levels simply by releasing deep, chronic tension in your core, and allowing your gut to do its work without constantly choking it.)
What actors know about motivation that you can apply to fueling your own desires and goals. (This secret brings motivation out of the black-and-white binary of "motivated/not motivated," and expands your palette of motivational energies into an entire rainbow of possibilities. This allows you to flow with whatever emotional energies are currently coloring your reality, and channel them productively toward your goal, instead of struggling against them and thinking you need to feel a particular way to stay motivated. This emotional spectrum will give color and depth to your motivation and inspire you in ways you may never have experienced before.)
How the energies of your core work like an inner sun that's always burning, constantly giving forth positive, forceful energy and motivation. (And how to get it to shine effortlessly and endlessly on the physical, mental, and emotional levels simultaneously with no more effort than it takes to soak up the sun on a beach. If you keep this part of yourself split by dysfunctional patterns, then the energy gets turned into anxiety and depression until you free it to become unified and let it do its work.)
Why resisting negative emotions will guarantee you never get past them. (It's the natural response to negative emotions to try to run away from them, but it never really works. Instead, you need to learn to simply acknowledge and accept them as they arise, and they will dissolve and vanish much more quickly and completely than if you try to fend them off with denial, distraction, or toxic positivity.)
The ancient secret of "breathing backwards," and how to use it to release a fountain of primal motivational energies. (This is a particularly powerful exercise with many variations. The more you do it, the deeper it goes, until it's like reaching back in time to the primordial beginnings, where all the ancient energies of existence become accessible to channel into your own specific life and goals.)

Pillar 5: Resilience

Pillar 5 teaches you exercises to release tension in the legs and pelvis, and builds the Pillar of Resilience.

It'll show you:

How to achieve an invincible spirit of resilience. (Like the rest of the Pillars, this is done not by becoming so rigid that you're likely to break, but instead by becoming mentally and emotionally flexible. That way, you can flow through and around obstacles without ever getting thrown off balance, rather than crashing against them until one of you breaks.) 
The absolute best exercises to release dammed-up tension and energy in the legs and pelvis. (These will not only release long-held repressed energies in a safe and constructive way, they'll also transform your lower body into a gentle shock absorber. The effect is not only physical, but mental and emotional, too, as your body learns to trust gravity in a relaxed way, and to move efficiently while remaining both flexible and "grounded.")
Why most people are mentally and emotionally "obese" without realizing it, and why that's a massive danger to every level of your health and well-being. (Just as a physically obese person suffers from many dangerous conditions without being consciously aware of them, you also have many dangers lurking within you that you may not feel until they erupt into a big problem, like the mental or emotional version of a sudden heart attack or stroke. It happens suddenly, but the problem builds up under the surface for a long time unless you do something about it proactively.)
How to deal constructively with setbacks, losses, and apparent failures. (In fact, there's really no such thing as failure, just learning. But the only way to make that into more than an empty platitude is to really know it yourself, on a deep gut level. Once you do that, you can also avoid the terrible pitfall of expecting everything to be roses all the time, and then retreating into disappointment and despair when reality proves you wrong.)
The importance of "keeping your feet on the ground," and why it can almost be taken literally. (We all know people who drift away into delusion and wishful thinking. Sometimes they do it in response to a difficult reality, and sometimes just as a matter of habit. But these people tend to be the least resilient around, and never really come to grips with their lives. To be resilient, you have to stay grounded, and that begins in the physical, where having a relaxed lower body means you never suffer from the floating anxiety that leads people to retreat into fantasy land.)
How to "time-travel" to the past and be resilient for times you weren't, and to forgive yourself and others who may have wounded you. (This is like taking a magic wand and rewriting your past—not in a way that denies reality, but that affirms a deeper reality. You don't have to settle for your current interpretation and storyline of your past. You can reframe how you see it, heal the past wounds, and forgive yourself and others, without becoming a sucker.)
Why surrender is victory when you embrace true resilience. (This seems almost completely counterintuitive, even contradictory. But that fact is, you'll never learn to be truly victorious until you're able to surrender your resistances to reality exactly as it is. This doesn't mean giving up or quitting. It means no longer wishing things were other than they are, or comparing your circumstances to some ideal in your head. Once you're willing to do that—and know how—then reality will open up to you in ways you couldn't have imagined before.)
How to see the true, larger patterns of your life with the "eagle eye." (Most people watch their lives like a TV show that they're sitting an inch away from. They can't see the bigger picture, and everything that's happening gets exaggerated in its importance, and blown out of proportion. But when you learn to "zoom out" on your life, instead of pressing your face right up against the screen, you'll start to see the larger patterns, and flow with them, instead of constantly working against them and taking it all too seriously.)

Pillar 6: Integrity

Pillar 6 teaches you exercises incorporating the whole body, and builds the Pillar of Integrity.

It'll show you:

The real meaning of integrity, and how it provides the final gateway into the ultimate "flow" state. (The integrity I'm referring to is not just an ethical stance, though that's a part of it. It's much more physical, and in some ways even metaphysical. It happens when the "life force" that gets released with this bodywork becomes a single unified whole, and transforms you holistically across the levels of mind, body, and spirit. But until that happens, your life force glitches under the hood, leading to huge losses in energy, discipline, focus, confidence, motivation, and resilience, until you rewire it so it all works together.)
How to combine the exercises from the various sections of the body so they add up to more than the sum of their parts. (Each of the separate Pillars are incredibly powerful on their own, and it's important to learn them individually, since each requires a degree of individual attention. But the body is a single unit, and the real "juice" comes from combining the exercises from all the areas of the body in a holistic approach that blends all energies.)
Why most people lack integrity, and end up suffering from an eternal inner civil war, and how that endless conflict drains energy and leads to depression, fear, and failure. (Even if you liberate all the energies of your body and mind, they will cause even more problems unless they are blended and unified into a single whole. This is why even highly intelligent, talented, and even ingenious people often end up self-destructing in the midst of their brilliance, or find themselves unable to live a happy, stable life.)
How to return to the mythic "time before time," and stay there permanently. (As I've said before, what people call "The Zone" is really just a glimpse of your natural state as it exists underneath all your inner conflicts and tensions. It's important to distinguish this natural state from a naive assumption of some "perfect" past, though. If you fall into that trap, you'll just end up punishing yourself for losing it, as though you have been kicked out of paradise for being "bad.")
Why most people are stuck in a state of artificial arrested development, like skyscrapers whose scaffolding was never taken down. (A beautiful, functioning skyscraper does little good if you can't get in the front door, and it looks like it's still under construction. The same goes for you as you go through your process of self-development. Even if you've managed to transform yourself into the kind of person you want to be, living the life you want to live, you ultimately have to take down the "scaffolding" that was necessary to get there. If you don't, it'll be like you're still stuck in the past, despite all your hard work and development. 
The surprising truth of how rest and readiness go together. (It's common in our society to think of readiness as a state of stress, and rest as a state of sleepiness. But the natural state of the person with an integrated mind and body is relaxed, restful, and ready all the time, without falling into the trap of becoming either high-stress or low-energy.)
How to continue your evolution with the work on your own even after you've absorbed all the lessons in the program. (Once you've internalized the exercises in this training, your body can begin to guide you through your own self-guided "organic sessions." Your body will become the teacher, and may even begin to perform certain exercises spontaneously, as though the exercises are simply the body unravelling its own tensions using the methods you've made a habit—which is exactly what's happening. 

Those "organic sessions" are where your practice naturally leads after you've learned and internalized all the techniques in the Pillars of Mental Toughness. 

And though I don't lead organic sessions in private coaching anymore, I've designed this program to work as a runway for your own practice, giving you everything you need to achieve "liftoff" and continue growing and expanding on your own for years and years to come.

Here's What You Get With Each Pillar

Intro PDF describing the Pillar's theme and exploring the concept in a stream-of-consciousness style to get your mind opened up and thinking about it in a new way. 
Intro video or audio that gives the overview of that Pillar's theme and talks about the specific bodywork that you'll be learning.
Video demonstrations with Quinn and I in his MMA gym, demonstrating the exercises and describing them thoroughly, with separate videos for the warmup exercises, main workout, and cool down for each Pillar. 
Wrap-up video where Quinn and I discuss the exercises we just demonstrated, and Quinn gives his feedback on what it felt like to go through them. We also review the theme of the Pillar, and its relationship to the effects of the exercises. 

A small glimpse of the Pillars program in the App

Bonus video demos where I demonstrate the exercises myself, so you can see how they look with someone who's been doing them for a long time and whose "energy" is open to spontaneous movements (as opposed to Quinn who, like you, is a relative beginner). 
Guided audios for the warmups, main workout, and cooldown, so you can just press "play" and follow along.
Bonus audio discussion where I talk about the Pillar in a free-flowing conversation with a client and former consultant for banks, corporations, and governments, so you can get another perspective on the work from someone who operates in a fast-paced and high-stakes world with its own unique challenges. 
PDF cheat sheet with all the instructions for the Pillar's warmups, main workout, and cooldown, so you can have a quick reference once you move on from the guided audios.

You get all of those for each of the six pillars, along with a brief "orientation" audio to show you how to use the program. 

You'll also get unlimited email access to me for questions related to the training. I won't be your guru, therapist, penpal, or partner in abstract philosophical debates, but I will answer any question related to the work as quickly and thoroughly as I can. 

Bottom line:

This is the whole deal. 

Nothing is held back.

I'm pulling back the curtain and showing you everything I know about this most powerful method of mind-body training. 

Much of it has never been made public anywhere else. 

I had to learn it through a long and painstaking process of seeking out the right people, learning from them, and expanding my knowledge through many years of trial and error in my own practice. I developed it into a complete, organized and easy-to-follow program based on my hundreds of hours of coaching private clients, and my experience designing and teaching courses as a college professor. 

The Pillars of Mental Toughness is the fruit of all that experience. It's what I wish was available when I started my quest of self-transformation. And it's all right here, tied up with a bow for you, with instant access to all of it in the Bionic Mind Method app for iPhone, Android, and tablet

But before you get too excited, here's the deal:

Pillars of Mental Toughness costs $1,111.

So before you even consider buying, remember...

There Are No Refunds
Or Guarantees
And All Sales Are Final

This program is the whole Neuromuscular Release Work mind-body transformation system.

It's over 18 hours of audio and video content, and 138 pages of text. 

But while I have it all right here for you, you still have to do the work consistently to get the deepest results. It will take time to learn the techniques, and it will take some time for the work to have its most dramatic impact.  

A lot of people say they want real change in their lives until it comes down to really making it happen. I can show you how, but I can't do it for you. So if you need handholding, instant gratification, or expect boons to be bestowed on you magically just by pressing the magical "buy" button, then this is not for you. 

Otherwise, to buy Pillars of Mental Toughness while you still can, go here today:


Riley Holland

Head Coach
Bionic Mind Method

P.S. If you have any issues trying to place an order, simply email me at [email protected], and I'll get back to you shortly. If it's after hours or on the weekend, please be patient...

P.P.S. Here are some comments made by my students, to give you a sense of the power of Bionic Mind Method training:

Testimonials for Riley Holland

“If you want to improve yourself but ‘gurus’ and fluffy marshmallows made of ‘woo’ are too cloying for your palette, go hang out with Riley of Bionic Mind Method.”

-Mark Joyner, Founder and CEO,

“Riley is the real deal when it comes to training your mind for performance. I’ve been using his ‘Tension Blaster Workouts’ now a few times a week and have been seeing some amazing results. As a coach, this is something I will definitely have my own athletes doing for improved performance. This is seriously some next level stuff.”

-Travis Stoetzel, Strength and Conditioning Coach,


"After having begun doing the exercises, I noticed more and more effects after the first few days. For example, yesterday I was driving and had some INTENSE body rushes of euphoria, and confidence. I felt like a king."

-Jacob R.

"Yesterday & this morning, I got up late & couldn't do the 'Tension Blaster' exercises before I got to work. I didn't feel as clear headed as I did when I do the exercises, so I went to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, & did the face exercises for 5 mins. Then I went to the parking lot, hid behind a tree, & did the shoulder & breathing exercises. Those face exercises make me feel like I stole Fedor Emilianenko's game face. It really brings out your inner badass stone-faced Russian assassin."

-Guillermo H.

“Self-criticism and doubt and fear are no longer elements in my life. The Bionic Mind Method has dissolved those barriers. And it didn’t take very long to do that. It’s a system that gets you from A to B. It’s very direct, and it exists that way because it works.”

-Ryan D., Martial Artist and Personal Fitness Trainer


“I want to thank you for your work on making us better and healthier people, not just better athletes fighting for glory in different sports. The exercises had a profound effect on myself since I become calmer and more focused.”

-Catalin, Bucharest, Romania


“Yesterday was the first session. I did kettlebells after the 'Tension Blaster Workouts,' and I must say the feeling was great as I finished. If there would be a handle of the universe somewhere I was feeling that I could have turned it over!!

My shoulders and neck area has never been so relaxed and even one very pain spot in my neck has disappeared. And I have to say my body posture is better nowadays (maybe confidence also). My mind and thoughts are mostly positive. Sleeping is getting better and better all the time. I know that my body and mind starts to relax immediately when I close my eyes. Nothing is buzzing in my mind at night anymore which is just fantastic! Sometimes I can get upset and angry in a second but I recognise these moments and I can control myself and calm down quite quickly.

12 years ago I needed to stop my soccer career because of my back, hip and knee problems. But now I have a feeling that I'm finally found the medicine for these: the Bionic Mind Method!”

-Antti, Personal Trainer, Helsinki, Finland


"The Bionic Mind Method has proven to me to be a shining gem of real systematic psychosomatic liberation. It is certainly WORK but it gets more and more fun and deeply rewarding. My thoughts are more clear, decisions easier to make, I feel at home with my body, comfortable in my own skin, even when there is discomfort which requires a change or action to be accepted and made. Creative spontaneity arises without a hindering thought when the mind and body is naturally vulnerable as a result of this work. Additionally my workouts are increasingly energized and powerful as some people took notice and wondered what I was on. There’s far too much crap that many people will try to sell as diamonds today and I don’t want you to believe me, but really take more than just a look at this because this is the real deal regardless of who or what you believe in."

-Kevin, Princeton, N.J.


"This is one of the most powerful self healing, self transformation methods that I've ever experienced. I've tried every practice I could find over the years to unlock my own inner genius, heal my body, mind, and spirit, bring all that together--whatever you want. I've done yoga, meditation, hypnosis, all different kinds of body work, years of Kung Fu practice, even ayahuasca shamanism. But in the end, what Riley teaches is the practice I've chosen as my daily bread and butter, and I think that says it all. In fact, Riley is my personal coach. We meet twice a month on Skype, we have a one-on-one coaching session, and at the end of each session, I'm so excited, I feel like a little kid in a candy store. What Riley taught me helped me achieve a few very interesting breakthroughs in my own Wing Chun Kung Fu practice."

-Robert Grossman, Founder, Wellness Prosperity Systems


"I have tried many different modalities to help release the chronic body tension I felt and the accompanying mental fuzziness. This summer in early July I went to Portland, Oregon to visit Riley Holland after doing some of the exercises I learned from him on youtube. I had some positive results and had a strong feeling it would help. I have been on the verge but never had any cathartic releases I heard about where the body releases long-held emotions.

However, in working with Riley, I actually found my body involuntarily shaking and felt jolts of electricity releasing from my body regardless of my tendency to want to shut myself down and protect myself from feeling. After spending some time with him, I felt a greater sense of aliveness, and understood that I just started the process. However, I was excited with the results and thought it would be great to have him visit and hold a seminar for people that were feeling struck and frustrated or want to explore more possibilities in life.

It’s very straightforward: we have stress stuck in our bodies, and our body wants to release it. The Bionic Mind Method helps that process. So for any athlete, if they do a couple exercises a day, they’re going to see results."

-Marc Jacobs, Sports Psychologist and Owner, Hillcrest Racquet Club


The Bionic Mind Method has been a life changer for me. It takes the thinking out of performing and doing things that are challenging in life. There's lots of positive thinking strategies out there that attempt to do the same thing, but the 'Tension Blaster Workouts' are different. It brings you back to the calm and strong version of yourself that you may have lost touch with. It is a deep and thorough release and relaxation that creates the best version of yourself. Take the leap and step forth. I swear by it and it will be part of my readiness routine from here on out. It's like a secret weapon. Also looking forward to getting deeper into the release.

-Ryan A.


"I am getting incredible results doing the 'tension Blaster Workouts,' stripping away those layers of chronic tension. I have WAY less anxiety and when it does rise, I have control of it simply by belly breathing, checking in with mostly my shoulders, etc. Thanks for what you do. I am so glad that you have taken the mumbo jumbo out of healthy breathing exercises by bringing them into the sports community. Thanks for your science based approach."

-Kelly B.


"Working with these techniques freed me from mountains of anxiety and fear I was holding onto. They were doing me no good. I realized that fear and anxiety exist as tension. As the layers of tension melted away so did the anxiety and fear. I went from feeling anxious and scared to feeling really incredible and grateful for everything. As the nervous system relaxes more and more EVERYTHING in life becomes miraculous - and gratitude, is now all ways, always there."

-Dave V, Pittsburgh, PA


The Bionic Mind Method has rewritten my understanding of the human body, and what it's capable of, many times over. It helps me break through limiting beliefs and labels about myself, freeing me up to follow my inspiration. Thanks to the Bionic Mind Method, I now look forward to facing my fears. Rather than being completely paralysed by fear, I’m genuinely grateful for the experience, and excited to be having the adventure.”

-Andrew B., Essex, U.K.


"A couple years ago I had an MMA cage fight. I was super nervous, as anybody would be before a cage fight. I started doing the 'Tension Blaster Workouts' every time I would get one of those little panic attacks. It really helped dissolve that anxious energy. It was interested because I couldn't just tell myself to calm down, but once I started going through the exercises, my nervous system just naturally responded to them and calmed down. I feel like it really kept me from going totally insane before that fight. The 'Tension Blaster Workouts' helped increase my own sensitivity overall, it's made me a lot more aware of my own body, which has expanded my awareness of Jiu Jitsu and martial arts. I really think it's the hidden component."

-Quinn Casey, MMA fighter and Jiu Jitsu coach 


“The 'Tension Blaster Workouts; really benefit me. I feel better, I can relax during lifts.There’s more energy coming to me when I get into the gym. It’ll help you focus, it’ll help you get in the Zone.”

-Mark S., Competitor Power Lifter and Kettlebell Lifter, Alberta, Canada


“Doing the breathing, doing the muscular work, I started really experiencing things immediately. New things were happening in my brain, the energy being released in this uncontrollable way. It’s a real exploration. It’s a real adventure.”

-Sam V., Wilderness Guide and Survival Expert, Portland, OR


“Riley and I worked together on the Bionic Mind Method sessions at Ojai, CA. The effects were far more permanent than I ever imagined, and I came out packed with energy. It synergized with my detox, body awareness, and mental flexibility exercises. I’d work with him again if I had the chance.”

-Jon R., San Francisco, CA


"Staying grounded helped the jitters quite a bit. Becoming aware and smoothing out the jitters was great. As far as awareness and maintaining calm it was about the same as the first tourney this year, difference: this one was 3 times as big.”

-John D., Knoxville, Tennessee


"Two years ago I hit a wall in my Jiu Jitsu practice (and the rest of my life, for that matter). I was becoming sick and run down for days after training. I was convinced that my CNS, due to my genetics and life history, was too sensitive for me to compete at a high of level Jiu Jitsu at just 30 years old. Over a year, I watched my body gradually shrivel away from life. I was doing yoga, eating well and working out, but for some reason whenever my heart rate went up my body was convinced that it was in severe danger, dumping me with an overload of cortisol and who knows what else.

My self-perception and experience of the world as result of this were rather pathetic. I felt and acted like a sack of shit. Fortunately for my present day self, there was an ounce of will left in my tank. I could feel how slippery the slope was; there was no way I was going to continue to shut down from life and become all that I distaste—I refused to. I made a choice, a choice that included the stipulation to never look back, ever. Here's what I decided to do: I decided to join a Jiu Jitsu club. The club with the most high level big ‘n’ scary guys. And for every class I attend, I would do a session of NRW.  Starting that moment.

At my first Jiu Jitsu class at the new club they put me up against an MMA fighter with a record of 13-2—a true dragon at the primordial gates.  I went three 5-minute rounds with this guy.  I did OK grappling but I left the gym with my body shaking and buzzing horribly. I was sick for 4-5 days afterwards. I did manage, despite feeling like garbage, to get in my NRW sessions, as well as stretch my face 3 times each day. The next week I was back at the gym for a less intense workout, and again, sick for 3-4 days.

Slowly but surely my performance did improve over a tiresome 6 months.  Train, get sick; train, get sick; while NRW and watching my breath twice a week. It was about this time that I had a bit of a eureka moment while listening to an NRW podcast. I realized that the "Sense ‘n’ Feel" exercise can be brought with me EVERYWHERE. I began to apply this to my day to day life.  It was then that progress in my Jiu Jitsu and creative/personal life truly began to accelerate. I began to detach from the belief about my bodies limitations by simply sensing and feeling my body’s stresses aloud or in my head, and it worked. Not instantly, but gradually.

I now bring the NRW with me everywhere I go.  And the more I do it, the more I actually want and choose to do it. It’s crazy: What used to be a pain in the ass is now a fun way to pass time—well, most of the time.  Since my NRW revelation and application in my day to day life, I have earned my purple belt in Jiu Jitsu and have challenged myself in competition numerous times. I am now a handful for anybody on the mat, and I look forward to achieving my black belt in the future."

-Lance L., Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt, Vancouver B.C.


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